Costume Nights, Costumes

Goth Pimp and Ho

At Manikins Lounge, the theme night was Pimps and Hoes. The "ho" in this pic said I had once photographed her mother. She said her mom's name, but I didn't recall it. I photographed these two earlier in the night. They were with another couple. Then, I photographed them during the evening's costume contest. I… Continue reading Goth Pimp and Ho

Costume Nights, Costumes

The Munster’s Couple

During a Halloween weekend, I was photographing costumed patrons at Manikins Lounge. A spot located in Downtown Sanford, Florida. During my photographing, I ran across a Frankenstein couple. At first, I thought they were Frankenstein Monster and the Bride of Frankenstein. Then, recently, I realized the woman was dressed as Lily Munster from the TV… Continue reading The Munster’s Couple

Costume Nights, Costumes

Frankenstein Mask

No, this wasn't Halloween. It was during a theme night at Manikins, a spot located in Downtown Sanford, Florida. As usual, I forgot what the theme was. On previous nights, I photographed "Frankenstein" before. He wore different costumes. (By the way, Frankenstein was never the monster's name.) On this night, I photographed Frankenstein twice with… Continue reading Frankenstein Mask

Costume Nights, Costumes

Blonde Steampunk Woman

This was my first time photographing one of Manikins' theme nights. This night's theme was Steampunk. Over the years, I have always photographed the blonde see in the pic. Many times, I photograph her with her fiancĂ©. Steampunk was my first night seeing her, I photographed her several times during the night. Yet, I prefer… Continue reading Blonde Steampunk Woman

Costume Nights, Costumes

Bloody Apron Costume

One Halloween at Manikins Lounge, I was photographing the costumed patrons. Outside the place, I noticed a woman wearing a mask and bloody apron. The mask appeared to be stitched together of skin. Of course, it was fake. Looking at the whole costume, I guessed she was dressed as Leatherface from the movie The Texas… Continue reading Bloody Apron Costume

Costume Nights, Costumes

Bloody Shirt Costume

It was another theme night at Manikins, a bar located in Sanford, Florida. On these nights, patrons dress according to theme. I think this night was Bloodbath. Photographing costumed patrons, I ran across a guy wearing glasses and a bloody shirt. I photographed him twice. I prefer this pic for the blog. This pic is… Continue reading Bloody Shirt Costume

Costume Nights, Costumes

Cereal Killer

I think the theme was bloodbath. During this night, there was a costume contest. During the contest, I photographed the cereal killer. The cereal packages wrapped around her is funny as hell. Just like with previous blogs, this take place at Manikins. A spot located in Downtown Sanford, Florida This pic is in the photo… Continue reading Cereal Killer

Costume Nights, Costumes, Creepy

Jason Voorhees Costume

In a previous blog, I presented a guy wearing a Jason Voorhees mask. On this particular blog post, I present a guy wearing the whole costume. He wore this costume during Bloodbath, a theme night hosted by Manikins Lounge. For those that don't know, Manikins is located in Downtown Sanford, Florida. Because today is Friday… Continue reading Jason Voorhees Costume

Costume Nights, Costumes

Redhead Wearing Mask

As usual, I forget what the theme night was. It was another night at Manikins Lounge in Sanford, Florida. This is a friend who has supported me in the past. She purchased one of my previous books. Also, she recently married. In case the first photo screws up, I usually photograph people at least twice.… Continue reading Redhead Wearing Mask

Costume Nights, Costumes, Halloween

Blonde Devil and Jello Shots

This photo happened Halloween night at Manikins Lounge, a spot in Downtown Sanford, Florida. The beauty in this pic showed up with a brunette. First, I photographed both of them. Then, I took separate photos of the two. One for the brunette. One for the blonde. Out of the two pics, I like the photo… Continue reading Blonde Devil and Jello Shots